Superhero Training

Rumaisa Mughal
3 min readJan 26, 2015

January 27, 2015 — When I moved into my new room at Draper University, I was greeted by walls full of superheroes graffiti, psychedelic colored doors, white-board walls in the whole building, and four dozen colorful bean bags in classrooms — I instantly knew this would not be an ordinary program.

When I left Pakistan for Draper University of Heroes, a 7-week residential entrepreneurship program in Silicon Valley, I honestly had no idea what I had signed up for.


We were a group of 32 entrepreneurs from 15 different countries. The culture and diversity of the place…oh my, it was over whelming!

DraperU Classroom

The founder of Draper University is Tim Draper who is known as the Riskmaster. He is by far the most unorthodox and daring person I have ever known! He believes that entrepreneurs are like superheroes, who take risks and change the world with their innovative ideas; hence, the name of the program.


Every morning at Draper University, we recited the superhero oath:

I will promote freedom at all costs.
I will do everything in my power to drive, build and pursue progress and change.
My brand, my network, and my reputation are paramount.
I will set positive examples for others to emulate.
I will instill good habits in myself. I will take care of myself.
I will fail and fail again until I succeed.
I will explore the world with gusto and enthusiasm.
I will treat people well.
I will make short term sacrifices for long term success.
I will pursue fairness, openness, health and fun with all that I encounter. Mostly fun!
I will keep my word.
I will try my best to make reparations for my digressions.


Draper University of Heroes appears to have more in common with Harry Potter’s Hogwarts than it does with anything seen in traditional education. Its system, outlook, curriculum, policies, staff, and culture — all of it is unorthodox and proud to be so.

Graffiti Workshop at Draper University

During the program we got the opportunity to visit amazing places and meet real world heroes; innovators, thinkers, geniuses and more who are contributing to the future of this planet.

Left: Steve Jurvetson, Managing Director DFJ & Board Member SpaceX & Tesla Motors. — Right: Eric Migicovsky, Founder and CEO of Pebble Watch


Our curriculum consisted of topics like creativity, future, evangelism, finance, law, survival, sales, venture capital, and so much more which we learnt from the best field experts! We were pushed to our limits both mentally and physically and in the end, we did come out stronger.

I honestly did not have any idea how much this course would affect me, but it has contributed greatly in shaping both my personal and professional life. The biggest lessons for me personally were to come out of my comfort zone, look beyond the fear of failing, and just try new things.

How I even got in the first place is an entirely different story of bending reality that you can read more about here. I couldn’t be more grateful for having been a part of this journey and to be part of the DU family! Thank you DraperU!

Draper University Batch Fall 2014



Rumaisa Mughal

Design Strategist | Anime Fanatic — People & Stories Make My Day!